
News & Markets

AAC China digital


Following the successful establishment of AAC Worldwide as the global platform for communication, information and knowledge exchange in the autoclaved aerated concrete industry during the past two years, the time had come to look into a very special market.

I am referring to the Chinese autoclaved aerated concrete industry, which without doubt is the largest in the world. There is no country with a higher number of AAC production plants and also the total production volumes are enormous. According to the Chinese national association for autoclaved aerated concrete, national annual production volumes amount to about 190 million cubic metres, with an increasing trend especially for panels. In China, AAC has been fully accepted as a high-quality construction material and its many advantageous properties and characteristics have been fully recognized by the industry.

Even though, in many parts of the world, English has been established as the common language for communication when it comes to distribution of technical information, the Chinese industry remains true to their language and prefers to use it also in the world of trade journals - and as the leading international information hub for the construction materials production industry, we adopted to this challenge.

Based on the many years of experience of the ad-media publishing house, which is the publisher of ACC Worldwide and other leading trade journals in the global construction industry, and our sense for the individual needs of local and regional markets, we are now in the position to publish a Chinese edition of AAC Worldwide, called AAC China digital. The name of the new magazine already reveals that it will be published as a purely digital edition. In China in particular, the receptivity to digital media and its distribution via social media channels such as WeChat are very pronounced. AAC China digital will be published in parallel and with the same frequency as the English edition and targeted for distribution in the local industry for autoclaved aerated concrete. In addition, it will of course also be possible to continue subscribing to the English-language edition of AAC Worldwide in China.

For the readers of AAC Worldwide, scope, quality and relevance of our journal will remain the same and in this sense I very much hope that this latest issue will provide you with many valuable contents for your daily work. 

Last but not least, I would like to point out that this issue contains a multi-page special on calcium silicate bricks and related production processes.