News & Markets
AAC worldwide continues to evolve
About a year ago, the idea of a new trade journal for the autoclaved aerated concrete industry was born. Shortly afterwards we drew up a concept for the content of the magazine, which was intended to focus the reader’s attention to 100% on autoclaved aerated concrete as a building material. The reactions after the publication of the first issues showed us that this approach proved to be sensible and correct.
After a year of intensive networking and maintaining contacts within the autoclaved aerated concrete industry, we have noticed that there are also synergies and interfaces to related branches of the industry. Several times we were asked if special topics such as drymix mortars, calcium silicate bricks or fibre cement products could from time to time be included in the editorial concept. With issue 4/2019 of AAC worldwide, we will offer you for the first time a Special with the topic “Drymix”, which is closely related to the building material autoclaved aerated concrete.
In order to give the Special Drymix a good technical basis, we have established a cooperation with The Middle East Drymix Mortar Association MEDMA e.V. (, so that at ICCX Middle East 2019 ( in Sharjah - taking place in Nov. 24 & 25 - in addition to the seminar block “AAC Technology”, a workshop on “Drymix Mortar” will also be offered.
As already mentioned at the beginning – synergies and interfaces are guaranteed!
We are looking forward to the further development of your and our trade journal AAC worldwide!