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EAACA welcomes new members
In order to be an active and efficient representative body of the AAC industry, it is important for EAACA to involve a wide range of companies to achieve a good balance of all objectives, so EAACA appreciates every company that contributes its experience. The European Autoclaved Aerated Concrete association is looking forward to a good cooperation.
Furthermore, AAC Worldwide is now the official media partner of EAACA, the European Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Association. A testament to the trust EAACA has placed in AAC worldwide to help educate and advance the autoclaved aerated concrete industry.
The European Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Association was created in 1988 to promote the interests of producers of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) and their national associations across all of Europe. EAACA’s members operate more than 100 production sites in 20 countries producing around 17,5 million m3 of AAC per year. From this quantity about 400.000 homes can be built.