
News & Markets

4 - 5 December 2024, Almaty, Kazakhstan

ICCX Eurasia – the unique meeting point for the AAC industry


Unique trade exhibition


The very successful kick-off event in 2023 clearly demonstrated that there is a high demand for internationally accessible technology for the production of concrete, precast concrete and of course autoclaved aerated concrete. The exhibition stands were always well attended and the feedback from the exhibitors was very positive throughout.

This year, all important players from the AAC industry will once again showcase the latest products and developments in this industrial sector. The technical discussions at the exhibition stands are always well-founded and business matters can be discussed in a very efficient and professional atmosphere.

The organizers are again expecting a fully attended event. At this second edition of ICCX Eurasia, around 80 companies from the concrete, precast concrete and AAC industries will present themselves in the exhibition and inform visitors about the latest developments in mechanical engineering, production plant engineering, concrete technology, IT, and many other industry sectors.


Confirmed exhibitors, offering AAC related products and services are (alphabetical order - status editorial deadline):

·       Aircrete Europe

·       Donyue

·       Hess AAC Systems

·       Keda Suremaker

·       Masa

·       Progress

·       Qunfeng

·       Teeyer

·       UKeyer



Conference programme


With the targeted balance of scientific and practical conference presentations, ICCX Eurasia 2024 creates great added value for all participants. In addition to the specialist programme for the precast (grey) concrete industry, there will again be a specialist forum for the autoclaved aerated concrete industry.


The Kazakhstan Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Association (KAPAG) supports ICCX Eurasia by helping to shape the content of the conference programme. This ensures that the interests of the visitors are served in the best possible way.



AAC Session: December 5, 2024

((Bild SYB)) Sydykov Yerlan Battashevich - Chairman of the Management Board - Rector of Eurasian National University (I´m already on contact re this with Assel Jexembaeva)

Baurzhan Amangeldy Baimukhanov - President of the Board of Directors of Ecoton+ JSC; Automated process control system software of Ecoton as basis for improvements in AAC plants

Mukhamed Zadinovich Andakov - Deputy Chairman of the Industry Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Construction; Production of modern building materials in Kazakhstan

 Yesengabulov Serikbolat Kadenovich – Senior Lecturer of the Department of TPGS (L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University), Candidate of Technical Sciences; Humidity conditions of autoclaved aerated concrete when determining the energy efficiency class of buildings (during design, construction and operation)

Arman Akylbekuly Khasen - Head of department of KAZNIISA; Topic?

 Andrey Bashkatov - Director of license and export business at Xella; Autoclaved Aerated concrete production as investment: why and where?



Sukurov Nurbolat Nikolaevich, Executive Director of the Kazakhstan Association of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Manufacturers, Kazakhstan

Sukurov Nurbolat Nikolaevich, born in 1961, worked in the trade union, Komsomol, and party activities, and in the customs authorities from July 1991 to December 2013. He participated in the preparation of a number of regulatory acts, instructions, and methodological recommendations for improving state customs control. He was a member of the working group on the development of the projects of the Customs Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the EAEU. Colonel of the customs service. From December 2013 to September 2021, he worked in the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atameken, and since January 2022, he has been working as the Executive Director of the Kazakhstan Association of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Manufacturers.





Regularly updated information, e.g. on the conference programme, the conditions of participation or accommodation arrangements, can be found on the ICCX homepage under www.iccx.org. Don't forget to register!

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