News & Markets
International participation from 41 countries at the 6th ICAAC in Potsdam
87 specialist contributions on 12 subject areas
Representatives from the fields of industry, science and research dealt with topical issues, such as “Structural design engineering”, “Safe earthquake engineering with AAC”, “Digitisation”, “Recycling economy”, “C-S-H chemistry”, “Construction physics”, “Process technology” and “Global challenges to constructing with AAC” in their talks. There were not just highly scientific lectures to be found on the agenda. Part of the talks was tailored to the needs of AAC manufacturers. This excellent mixture in the programme ensured that every visitor could carry home a wide range of new information for day-today practice.
Accompanying tradeshow and technical excursion
It was also remarkable to note that more than 3,000 individuals used the website or app from a total of 91 countries, from which can be gathered that interest in exchange at an international level is very high. A total of 15 sponsors, including Xella und Solbet as platinum sponsors, presented their products and services during the three days of the accompanying exhibition. Other sponsors came from the machinery and systems construction industries or else the supply and construction materials sectors.
Towards the end of the congress, delegates had the opportunity of gaining an overview of ongoing research work and information about the laboratory’s technical equipment at the Xella Technologie- und Forschungsgesellschaft mbH sites in Kloster Lehnin and Brück. The participants’ many questions also bore witness to the great interest they showed here as well.
Both German member associations in the European Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Association (EAACA), the “Verband Bauen in Weiß e.V.” (VBiW) and the “Bundesverband Porenbetonindustrie e.V.” (BVP), were involved in organising the 6th ICAAC. Its supporting programme included a get together on the evening prior to the conference and a conference dinner on the second in a wonderful historical ambience.
A special thank you to the agency Manitours Potsdam - Live and Media Communication, which supported the organisation team of the 6th ICAAC in the preparation and realisation of this great event.
Verband Bauen in Weiss e.V. (VBiW)
Hohes Steinfeld 1
14797 Kloster Lehnin, Germany
T +49 3382 7060 112
Porenbetonindustrie e.V.
Kochstrasse 6-7
10969 Berlin, Germany
T +49 3025 9282 14
EAACA - European Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Association