
News & Markets

The summer break is over


Summertime is vacation time, covering the whole of Europe under a blanket of otherwise unfamiliar silence. During the summer months, it is comparatively difficult to find out interesting news from the industry. Another consequence of this silence is that almost no professional events, such as congresses or trade fairs, take place.


Fortunately, the publication of this issue of AAC Worldwide changes the situation again, and in other good news it is worth noting that several very interesting and important events for the AAC industry are lining up for the remainder of the year and for 2025.


A few days ago, a conference with the slogan "AAC and precast concrete elements in building construction" took place in Poland, where this event is very well recognized. The current challenges of the construction industry were discussed, of course also with a focus on the AAC sector, along with topics related to the sustainability and environmental benefits of AAC.  


In early November, the annual conference of the Chinese Aerated Concrete Association, CACA, will take place in Xi’an. Several hundreds of participants from all over China and other parts of the world use this important meeting place to exchange ideas and learn about the latest developments in the industry.


Another, still quite young event is the ICCX Eurasia, which will take place in Almaty, Kazakhstan in early December, with a focus on prefabrication in construction. Recognizing that AAC in the form of masonry blocks or as prefabricated reinforced wall or slab elements is very popular in Kazakhstan, a special conference session on AAC, supported by the Kazakh AAC Association KAPAG, rounds off the technical programme on offer.


The World of Concrete trade fair in Las Vegas, USA, will kick off the string of industry events in 2025, featuring the recently established AAC Pavilion - intended to give a boost to autoclaved aerated concrete, which is a building material still relatively unknown in the United States.


A highlight taking place every three years is bauma. The world's largest construction machinery trade fair is also a must-attend event for plant manufacturers in the AAC industry. This is where major innovations in the field of plant engineering are presented. bauma 2025 will take place in Munich, Germany, in April.


Your favourite trade magazine, AAC Worldwide, is of course present at every important event, be it as a visitor, exhibitor or even co-organizer and media partner.


You can find more information about all the events mentioned here, as well as other events relevant to the AAC industry, in every issue of AAC Worldwide and also on our website.


Yours sincerely,

Michael von Ahlen